GTT Innovation Challenge 2024


GTT Innovation Challenge 2024

(The "Challenge")


(The "Rules")

This Challenge is organised by GTT ("the Organising Company").
The purpose of the Rules is to define the conditions and rules for participation in the Challenge.
Participation in the Challenge implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules. If you do not agree with the terms of the Rules, you should not register or participate in the Challenge.

1. Duration of the Challenge

The Challenge begins on 15th of January 2024 at 8 a.m. [UTC+1] and ends on 14th of June at 11:55pm [UTC+1]. The Challenge is accessible 24 hours a day on the website dedicated to the Challenge published by Agorize and accessible at the URL [] ("the Challenge Website"), subject to possible computer maintenance operations or malfunctions. The above dates and times refer to UTC+1.

2. Acceptance of the Rules

Any person registered on the Challenge Site and in the Challenge ("the Participant" or "You") must read and expressly accept the Rules. By accessing and accepting the Rules, You :

A. Have entered into a legally binding contract with the Organising Company. It being specified that registration and participation in the Challenge does not, in any way, create a relationship of subordination between the Organising Company and the Participant; and

B. Accept fully and unreservedly to comply with all of the provisions of these Rules. Acceptance shall be made by means of an online box to be ticked when registering for the Challenge.

Failure to comply with these Rules will result in the immediate cancellation of participation and the possible awarding of prizes.

3. Registration and participation in the Challenge

In order to participate in the Challenge, we must have received your complete registration before the 1st of march 2024 at 23:55pm.
In order to participate in the Challenge, the Participant must have created a user account on the Challenge Site and filled in the required information, such as name, first name, e-mail address, etc., in a fair and complete manner.

Participants who have not provided proof of their complete contact details and identity or who have provided them inaccurately or falsely will be disqualified, as will persons refusing to collect, record and use personal information concerning them that is strictly necessary for the purposes of managing the Challenge. The information provided by the Participant as part of his/her registration for the Challenge is his/her responsibility and any error, anomaly, inconsistency, whether intentional or not, relating to the information provided by the Participant may lead to his/her disqualification.
The Organising Company reserves the right to carry out all necessary verifications concerning the identity, postal and/or electronic address of the Participants.

The deletion of a Participant's user account on the Challenge Site shall be considered as a withdrawal of the latter's participation in the Challenge. In this case, the Participant, even if he/she is able to prove that this deletion is not due to his/her fault, shall not be able to rejoin the Challenge, nor shall he/she be able to obtain any compensation from the Organising Company.

Likewise, to participate in the Challenge, the Participant must have accepted these Rules as well as Agorize's General Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, when registering and creating a user account.

Registration and participation in the Challenge is entirely free of charge, and without obligation to purchase.

4. Conditions of participation in the Challenge

The Challenge is only open to :
- Employees of the GTT Group. Only one participation per person will be allowed in the Challenge.

All documents proving the Participant's eligibility for the Challenge will be requested before the prizes are awarded (e.g. identity card, etc.).

This Challenge is not open to members of the organizing Company's and Agorize's staff or to members of their families.

This Challenge is void in countries where it is prohibited or restricted by law or regulation.

5. Principle of the Challenge and terms of participation

Participation in the Challenge must be in teams.

- Teams. Individual participants may choose to form a team (the "Team") of between 2 and 7 members. Each Team member must agree to the Rules, by clicking online via the Agorize interface. The Organizing Company may disqualify a Team (as well as all its members) in the event that one of the members has not accepted or has not respected the obligations arising from the Rules.

The Challenge consists of contributions (or project) by the Participants, formalised by deliverables, meeting the requirements set by the Organising Company in the Challenge brief. This brief includes information such as the various deadlines, the details of the prizes, the requirements of the Organising Company, etc. ("the Brief"). ("the Brief"). This Brief is accessible on the Challenge Website.

6. Deliverables

During the Challenge, Participants may upload, via the Challenge Site, any document or file (such as texts, presentations, videos, etc.) relating to their project as a response and solution to the Organizing Body's Challenge (the "Deliverable").

To be valid, the Deliverables must (i) address the specific problem posed in the Brief, (ii) be in a standard digital format, such as doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pttx, key, odt, mp3, mpeg, mov, mp4, (iii) be in English and generally comply with the conditions set out in the Rules.

If a Deliverable cannot be uploaded, is not in the correct format, or is incompatible, illegible or unintelligible, it will be disqualified.

By submitting a Deliverable, Participants represent and warrant that:

- The Deliverable consists solely of contributions from one Team.
- Otherwise, if third party content has been used in the preparation of the Deliverable, all necessary rights, permissions and agreements to submit the Deliverable and grant the rights mentioned herein have been obtained. The existence of a third party contribution in violation of these rights will result in the disqualification of the Deliverable and the Participants concerned.
- No other natural person and/or legal entity in any form whatsoever may claim any rights from the use of the Deliverable; and that
- The content of the Deliverable does not and will not infringe any third party right, including (but not limited to) intellectual property rights, privacy rights, competition law, confidentiality, or any other contractual or non-contractual right. Any Deliverable suspected of violating the rights of third parties and/or one or more laws will be ineligible for the Challenge.

Participants are responsible for all costs and expenses related to the preparation and submission of Deliverables. Participants are solely responsible for damaged, lost, delayed, incomplete, invalid, incorrect or misdirected Deliverables.

7. Conduct of the Challenge

Stages of the Challenge. The Challenge consists of several selection stages:

The first selection stage: Deliverables are accepted from the 15th of January at 8am to the 1st of March 2024 at 11:55pm. At the end of this stage, a maximum of 5 Deliverables will be selected and will enter the second stage.

The second stage of selection: Deliverables are accepted from 11th of March 2024 at 8am to 20th of June 2024. 

The final: Participants are not required to submit a Deliverable on the Challenge Site for this final stage.

Deliverables. If a Participant does not submit a Deliverable on the Challenge Site by the deadline, this will be considered as a withdrawal from the Challenge. The Participant may under no circumstances re-enter the Challenge, nor may he/she obtain any compensation from the Organising Company.

Selection criteria. The Deliverables shall be judged according to the selection criteria set out below. The Participant acknowledges that he/she is aware of and accepts that the proposed Challenge calls upon his/her creativity, sagacity, ability and ingenuity to solve complex problems. The Challenge does not depend in any way, even partially, on chance and luck and cannot therefore be analysed or be compared to a lottery. Under no circumstances shall elements relating to the person, appearance, religion, trade union membership, political opinion or sexual orientation of the Participants be taken into consideration.
Notification to Participants. Once the selection process is complete, Participants will be notified by e-mail, telephone or any other means, at the sole discretion of the Organising Company, of the results of each selection stage. The Organising Company shall be free to change the dates on which the results are communicated in the event that the number of projects to be examined makes such a change necessary. The ranking decided by the jury will be announced on the day of the Final and will designate the finalist Participants.

A. The first stage of the selection, Application Phase

All Deliverables for this stage must be received by the Organising Company on or before 1st of March, 23:59pm. The Deliverables must meet the specifications set out in section 6 above, and must include

  • A project summary, created by completing the form using the downloadable template, accessible online via the user account, in ppt or pdf format.
  • A presentation of at least 5 slides of their project, created using the downloadable template, accessible online via the user account, in ppt or pdf format.
  • An optional project presentation video

    For this first selection stage, voting will take place as follows :

Vote Like (20%)

Voting by criteria will take place during the Demo Days, from the 4th to the 7th of March 2024.
The voters (employees of the GTT Group) (the "Voters") can assess a Deliverable and participate in a vote by giving a "Like" to the Deliverable. Voters are allowed to express only three (3) "Like."
Any attempt at cheating, the use of fake profiles, the use of third-party applications allowing fraudulent voting, or double voting of which the Organizer is aware will result in the disqualification of the project that received these votes, as well as the disqualification of the Participants in this project, who will not receive any prize or reward. The sponsor's decision regarding disqualification is final and cannot be contested by the participants involved in the project in question or by any other participant.

The projects that receive the highest number of "Likes" will be rated as follows:

10 out of 10 for the project with the most "likes";

8 out of 10 for the second project with the most "likes";

6 out of 10 for the third project with the most "likes."

4 out of 10 awarded to the fourth project with the most "likes."

2 out of 10 awarded to the fifth project with the most "likes."


Vote by criteria (80%)

The Criteria-based Voting will take place from March 7, 2024, at 08:00 to March 8, 2024, at 10:00
The voting members of the Organizing Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Voters") will be able to assess and select the Deliverables based on their content and the following criteria: 
  • Vision: Is the solution in line with the GTT Group's strategy?
  • Innovation: To what extent is the proposed solution innovative?
  • Value Proposition: Are there other existing alternative solutions?
  • Feasibility: To what extent is it feasible to implement the proposed solution? Is the solution economically coherent? Is the solution viable in the long term?
  • Impact: What is the potential social impact of this solution? How extensive is this impact?
  • Clarity: Is the solution and its potential impact on society well-articulated?

The scoring will be from 0 to 10.

Except for the provisions stated below, the top 5 teams with the highest scores at the end of the voting phase win this vote and proceed to the next stage of the selection.


B. The second stage of the selection, Mentoring Phase

All Deliverables for this second stage must be received by the Organising Company by or on the 14th of June at 11:55pm. The Deliverables must meet the specifications set out in section 6 above, and must include:
- A presentation of 10 slides for their project in either PowerPoint (PPT) or PDF format.

For this second selection stage, voting will take place as follows:
Criteria Voting

The Criteria-based Voting will take place on June 25th, 2024, during the Final.

The voters, members of the Organizing Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Voters"), can assess and select the Deliverables based on their content and the following criteria.

Each project is evaluated based on 4 independent and equally important criteria:

  • Technological Innovation (Is it new and realistic?)
  • Potential Impact on the company or society (Is it positive, long-term, and does it reach a large audience?)
  • Economic Viability (Is the market significant or growing, and does the team have a clear business model and development plan?) Leadership and Team (Do they have technical and business skills, experience, and a network?)
  • In the case of a tie between multiple projects, a tiebreaker criterion of 'passion' or 'heart' is used.

C. The Final

The Participants selected to participate in the Final will be contacted directly by the Organising Company. In the absence of confirmation of participation from them when the Organising Company has tried to contact them by e-mail and telephone, the Organising Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify the Participants concerned. This disqualification, if applicable, shall not give rise to any compensation from the Organising Company.

This final phase will consist of an oral presentation of the projects selected by the Participants. At this stage of the selection process, Participants are not required to submit any Deliverables via the Challenge Website before the Final.

However, each Participant is required to prepare a Deliverable that meets the criteria in section 6 and includes

- A presentation describing their project and presenting, for example, the problem it addresses, the proposed solution, its impact and its business model.

This document will be used as a presentation document during the oral presentation given by the participants involved in the project.

At the end of the Final, the jury will be in charge of electing the winning projects and will rank the winners.

8. Prize(s)

The prizes refer to the prizes awarded to the winners of the Challenge as defined below. They are awarded to the winners of the Challenge and are subject to compliance with the following cumulative conditions:

- The delivery of Deliverable(s) that comply with the criteria set out in section 6;
- Acceptance and compliance by each of the winners or participants in the winning project with the provisions of sections 9 and 11;
- Proof can be provided that the winning Participants meet the eligibility requirements in section 4.

No prize will be awarded to a winner who does not meet the above conditions.

Once confirmed by the Organising Company, the winner(s) will receive : 

  • The winning team

    (1 to 3 teams) Join an incubator for 3 months to develop their project 1 Laptop (€1200 including taxes) per team member

  • Finalist Teams

    1 Drone (€300 including taxes) or 1 Electric Scooter (€300 including taxes)

Each participant in a team will receive their own prize: laptop, electric scooter, or drone.

No assignment or transfer of prizes by a winner is permitted between winners. If a winner cannot be contacted, cannot accept the prize or part of it for any reason, the Organising Company has no obligation towards that winner. The Organising Company will not replace any prize that is lost or stolen after it has been awarded to the winners. Any winner shall accept the prize "as is". The Organising Company does not provide any guarantee whatsoever on the prizes.

In the event that a winner cannot be contacted either by e-mail or by telephone within three (3) months of the first attempt to contact him/her, he/she shall be deemed to have renounced the prize in its entirety and shall not be entitled to obtain the prize from the Organising Company, nor to any compensation or indemnity.

If the prize as initially planned is unavailable, the Organising Company shall be free to substitute another prize of equivalent value. This decision shall be at the sole discretion of the organising Company.

A Participant who fails to comply with the conditions of participation set forth in the Rules during registration and/or at any stage of the selection process shall be disqualified immediately and without notice from the Challenge, and may not receive any prize. In the event that a prize is awarded to a Participant who does not meet the conditions of participation at the time of registration or at any time during the Challenge, the Organising Company reserves the right to demand that the Participant return the prize awarded.

9. Communication

The Participant acknowledges and accepts that the Organising Company may, in [France, European Union, Asia, etc.], for the duration of the Challenge and for a period of one (1) year following the Final, use the Challenge for publicity purposes, including the Organising Company's communication and marketing purposes, regardless of the format, means and medium (website, advertising banners, social networks, newsletter, press release, etc.), whether known or unknown to date, free of charge or against payment.

The participant gives GTT (GAZTRANSPORT ET TECHNIGAZ) SA permission, free of charge and within the limit of the duration of the legal protection, to take photographs or to film him/her in the context of his/her professional activity for GTT, whether or not through a professional.

The participant also acknowledges that he/she is not the owner of any copyright or related rights, on any grounds whatsoever, to the said photographs and films, for which my contribution is limited exclusively to that of a model.
10. Confidentiality

The Company organising the Challenge is under no obligation to keep confidential the information contained in the Deliverables submitted by the Participants. Generally speaking, by submitting a Deliverable, Participants acknowledge and accept that the information contained therein may be disclosed to the public by the organising Company.
In addition, Participants acknowledge that the Organising Company may develop on its behalf, or may receive from third parties, information similar to that contained in any of the Deliverables. Accordingly, nothing in these Rules prohibits the Organizing Body from independently acquiring, independently developing, or having independently developed products, concepts, systems, services, or techniques that are similar to or that may compete with the products, concepts, systems, services or techniques that a Deliverable presents or provides for.

Participants acknowledge that other Participants, whether individuals or companies, may have provided or may provide in the future to the Organizing Body or to third parties, or may have disclosed to the public or will disclose, content that is similar or identical to any information contained in a Deliverable. Consequently, Participants acknowledge and accept that the Organising Company has the right to use such similar or identical content, and that Participants shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever as a result of the use of such content by the Organising Company.

11. Modification of the Rules, Suspension and Cancellation of the Challenge

Updating of the Rules. The Organising Company reserves the right to modify the provisions of the Rules at any time, including the duration of the Challenge if operational requirements so dictate, without the application or validity of such modifications requiring any notification to the Participant. The Participant is invited to consult the Rules regularly. The Participant expressly waives any claim or challenge relating to any modification made to the Rules by the Organising Company.

In the event that one or more provisions of the Rules are deemed illegal, null and void, unenforceable or inapplicable by a court decision, the other provisions of the Rules shall remain in force.
Suspension or cancellation of the Challenge. The Organising Company reserves the right, at its discretion, (i) to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Challenge and the Rules, for any reason whatsoever, at any time and without liability, and (ii) to limit or restrict participation in the Challenge. The Organising Company shall not be held liable for the modification, cancellation or suspension of the Challenge, and no compensation or remuneration shall be due to the Participants.

12. Limitation of liability

The Organising Company shall not be held liable for any disruptions to the Internet network or for access difficulties due to a large number of participants or connections. It may in no way be held liable for communication or access interruptions, loss of data, computer viruses or any direct or indirect prejudice whatsoever that may be suffered by a Participant before, during and after his/her participation in the Challenge.

The Organising Company shall not be held liable for any facts or damages that are not directly or indirectly attributable to them, in particular those resulting from errors or delays in the submission of the Deliverables by the Participants, including the refusal to accept these Deliverables due to their submission outside the scheduled dates, damage resulting from errors or delays in sending e-mails by the Participant in the context of the Challenge, as well as damage resulting from any alteration made to the Deliverables beyond the control of the Organising Company, or from an event of force majeure likely to disrupt, modify or cancel the Challenge.
Consequently, the Participants waive all recourse against the organising Company and its employees for any damage and/or harm that they may suffer in the context of the Challenge.
The organising Company shall not be held liable for any incident that may occur in the context of the services provided in connection with the prizes, any liability in this respect falling on the third-party company or companies with which the winners contract directly.

The Organising Company shall in no case be held responsible for the consequences of the disqualification of a Participant due to the latter's violation of the Rules.

13. Protection of personal data

Participation in the Challenge requires the communication of the Participant's personal data ("the Personal Data").

The Participant's Personal Data is subject to processing within the meaning of the Regulation on the protection of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 known as the "RGPD") for which the Organising Company defines the purposes and means and is, as such, responsible for this processing within the meaning of the RGPD.

The purposes of this processing are :

- to meet the needs of the organisation of the Competition;
- to organise the intermediation between the Participant and the partner Organisation, to ensure the identification, communication and conservation of exchanges with the Participant;

In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, the Organising Company undertakes to implement organisational and technical security measures aimed at protecting all of the Participants' Personal Data. Similarly, the Organising Company undertakes to allow Participants to exercise their rights under the RGPD.

14. Complaints

Any complaint by a Participant relating to the Challenge must be sent no later than 30 days after the end date of the Challenge to the email address []. Any complaint must include: (i) full contact details (name, address, email address and telephone number); (ii) the reference of the Challenge; (iii) a clear and detailed explanation of the complaint.

15. Applicable law and dispute resolution

The Rules and the Challenge are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute persisting beyond a period of fifteen (15) days after the Participant has made a claim, the Organising Company and the Participant undertake to submit their dispute to amicable conciliation prior to any legal proceedings. The party wishing to engage in conciliation must inform the other party by means of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, in which it will make known its intentions and specify the cause. If no agreement is reached between the parties within thirty (30) days of receipt of the registered letter, the parties shall regain their freedom of action.